Deciphering the Greek Alphabet of Male Archetypes
Character Traits, Dating & Mating Strategies According to Archetype
Introduction - A Personal Perspective
As a confident man with natural tendencies towards leadership, I struggled for a long time to identify where I fit in the hierarchy of male archetypes. I don’t fit the “alpha male” picture with all the machismo and extroversion that entails, and I’ve always favoured a few solid friendships with a few men I respect as equals over surrounding myself with followers and pretenders. On the other hand, I don’t fit the “beta” category either. Ever since my teens I’ve been one of those guys that others turn to for leadership when things get difficult, and have tended towards leadership roles in my personal and professional life. I don’t mind following a leader I respect, so long as they continue to lead in the direction that suits my purpose. I’ve never been shy to challenge leaders whose actions have, in my opinion, jeopardised the success or safety of the group or conflicted with my core values.
Whilst this may seem like a trivial problem, the inability to identify with suitable role models and see how your personality traits influence your role in the social hierarchy can make life confusing. This is particularly true in the context of self-improvement and making yourself more attractive to women.
When I finally started digging into the various Greek letters of male archetypes I experienced some really interesting revelations that made it much easier for me to recognise the path I should pursue in terms of self-improvement and dating strategy. I hope you’ll find your own insights in the following paragraphs!
Are These Types Even Valid?
Academic study on male archetypes is a contentious topic, with some scholars questioning the validity of these labels altogether. While some argue that these character types can serve as a useful framework for understanding social dominance and mating strategies, others believe that they oversimplify complex social dynamics and reinforce harmful stereotypes. For example, a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that the alpha/beta dichotomy was not supported by empirical evidence, and that individuals who displayed alpha-like traits were not necessarily more successful in mating or social hierarchies.
Nevertheless I believe that these labels are a useful tool for men looking to better understand their place in the world and optimise their dating and mating strategy. Even if only to understand that you don’t need to “become an alpha” to succeed with women, this model helps you focus on the strategy that best fits your personality.
It’s All Greek to Me
Here's a breakdown of each of the major types, and what they entail:
The classic alpha male is confident, assertive, and dominant. He's the leader of the pack, with a strong sense of social hierarchy and a willingness to enforce it if necessary. He's often charismatic and outgoing, but can also be prone to aggression and overconfidence. In terms of dating and mating, the alpha male is often successful due to his apparent confidence and assertiveness, but may struggle to sustain long term relationships due infidelity fuelled by a constant need for validation from other people.
We can find a clearcut example of an alphas male in Game of Thrones: Khal Drogo. Khal Drogo is the leader of a Dothraki horde, a group of fierce and fearsome warriors. He's confident, aggressive, and dominant, and he values physical strength and prowess above all else.
The early high profile pickup artists (PUA) like Style (Neil Strauss) and Mystery coined the term “AMOG” - alpha male of the group - and developed numerous strategies for undermining the social influence of the AMOG, generally on the principle that alphas tend to rely on physical attributes (strength, physique, athletic prowess) to maintain their leadership status. A nerdy pickup artist could never compete with these guys on a physical level, so they focused their efforts on tactics that would make the PUA appear more socially competent or otherwise neutralise the AMOG’s influence over the women in his entourage. More often than not, a nerdy PUA would hook up with girls who had come to the venue with the AMOG, proving time and again that there is far more to attraction than being the guy with the biggest muscles and extroverted ego.
You can read more about Pickup Artistry (and what I consider to be harmful about it) here:
The sigma male is similar to the alpha in many ways, but with a few key differences. He's more independent and less interested in social status than the alpha, often preferring to work alone or in small groups. He can be just as confident and capable as the alpha, but is less concerned with leading or dominating others. Sigmas are often seen as enigmatic or mysterious, with a knack for thinking outside the box. In terms of dating and mating, sigmas may have less conventional relationships, but can still be successful due to their charisma and independence.
Examples of famous sigma males in movies include Tyler Durden (Fight Club), John McClane (Die Hard), or perhaps the best example: Alejandro Gillick played by Benicio Del Toro in Sicario: Day of the Soldado. Alejandro is a mysterious and highly skilled former lawyer turned hitman who works for the CIA on a mission to bring down a Mexican drug cartel. He's highly independent, stoic, and self-sufficient, operating outside of traditional hierarchies and social structures. He's not interested in seeking attention or validation from others, and instead focuses on his own goals and objectives.
If you identify as a Sigma, it is your independence, confidence, disregard for how other people view you and your commitment to your sense of purpose or mission that will attract women the most.
The beta male is the follower of the group, happy to defer to others and go with the flow. He's often more cooperative and conciliatory than the alpha, and tends to avoid conflict whenever possible. The beta can be a valuable team player and supporter, but may struggle to assert himself or take the lead when needed. In terms of dating and mating, beta males tend to have more conventional relationships, but may struggle to attract their desired partners due to their lack of assertiveness.
Whilst you might have to work a little harder to get a date than the alpha who makes themselves the centre of attention in every setting, your prospects of dating success are every bit as good, if not better in the long term. Your ability to meet a woman’s emotional needs and bring both emotional and financial security to the relationship are valuable qualities. Add some ability to provide awesome sexual experiences as well, and you have a recipe for a long and happy relationship.
Examples of famous beta males in movies include Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings) and Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter).
Unlike alpha, beta, and sigma males, gamma males are typically characterized by their lack of meaningful purpose and ambition. They may feel lost or aimless, lacking a clear direction or sense of purpose in their lives. As a result, they may struggle with feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction.
Perhaps due to the lack of purpose, gamma males tend to struggle with success in their romantic pursuits. They may lack the confidence or social skills to approach and connect with women in a meaningful way, and feel discouraged due to previous failed attempts to build romantic relationships. Alternatively, they may harbour resentment towards women or society at large, which can create further barriers to forming healthy relationships.
If you’re a gamma, here are three steps you can take to improve your dating prospects:
Work on self-improvement: Developing a sense of purpose and direction in life can help gamma males to feel more confident and fulfilled, which can in turn make them more attractive to potential partners. Setting goals and pursuing interests or hobbies can be a great way to build self-esteem and create a more fulfilling life.
Improve social skills: Gamma males may struggle with social anxiety or lack of confidence, which can make it difficult to form connections with others. Practicing social skills, such as active listening, positive body language, and initiating conversation, can help to build social confidence and make it easier to connect with others.
Focus on building meaningful connections: Instead of focusing solely on dating and hookups, gamma males may find more success by prioritizing building meaningful connections with others. This can involve seeking out shared values or interests, prioritizing emotional connection over physical attraction, and investing time and energy into building strong relationships.
The omega male is the outsider of the group, often socially awkward or disengaged. He may be highly intelligent or creative, but struggles with social skills and may be perceived as odd or eccentric. Omegas may be content to work on their own or in small groups, but can also be highly individualistic and resistant to authority. In terms of dating and mating, omegas may struggle to find partners due to their social awkwardness and lack of assertiveness. Rejected by all women they encounter due to their complete social ineptitude, these are the true “involuntary celibates”, and they are relatively few and far between.
Examples of famous omega males in movies include Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver) and Donnie Darko (Donnie Darko).
The fact that you’re reading this article suggests that you have the self-awareness and sense of purpose to work on improving yourself, so it’s highly unlikely you would correctly self-identify in this category. However, if you did, your best strategy would be to work with a professional counsellor to help you overcome the behaviours that other people find off-putting, and learn how to connect with women in a meaningful way.
Understanding the different male archetypes can be a useful tool for men who are seeking to understand their place in the social hierarchy and optimize their dating and mating strategy accordingly. While these labels may not be accurate or useful for sociological research, they can still provide a useful framework for self-reflection and personal growth. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses and working to improve themselves, men can improve their dating success and build fulfilling relationships with others. Remember that every individual is unique, and no one archetype can perfectly capture the complexity of human behaviour.